The Department of Communication at the University of Macau will host a screening of the Video Workshop II student films on April 28th, at 6pm in the Student Activity Centre Theatre (E31). These 8 short films are produced by final year students majoring in Communication and specializing in the Creative Media stream.
Video Workshop II is a capstone course that is designed to challenge students to think critically and creatively through the hands-on experience of making their own short films. The theme for this semester is “Worlding.” Worlding is a concept that has multiple origins in post-colonial theory, feminism and speculative fiction. It involves paying attention to the interconnected places, people and material worlds around us. Whether building fantasy worlds or telling stories about everyday environments, these diverse films look to draw audiences’ attention to social issues and concerns important to this new generation of filmmakers.
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Corner Store / 街角避難所
In Macao in the 1990s, two people who grew up with similar family backgrounds have completely different personalities. They meet in a corner store, both with a heart that longs for tranquility. By chance, they get to know each other more deeply and soon help each other to find a feeling of peace.
No ano 1990 em Macau, duas pessoas que cresceram com origens familiares semelhantes e com personalidades completamente diferentes encontram-se numa loja de esquina, ambos com um coração que anseia por tranquilidade. Por acaso, eles conhecem-se profundamente e logo se ajudam mutuamente a encontrar paz.
Stranger Friends /《404》
In a Tong Lau of Macao where the neighbors live in harmony and peace, an outgoing and warm-hearted security guard Lok, has been working there for many years. One day, a new tenant moved in, disrupting the residents’ peace.
在澳門的一棟唐樓里,鄰里和睦相處,開朗熱情的保安阿樂已在這裡工作多年。 一天, 一位新房客搬了進來,打破了原有的平靜。
Num Tong Lau de Macau, onde os vizinhos vivem em harmonia e paz, o simpático guarda de segurança Lok, trabalha lá há muitos anos.
Um dia, um novo inquilino mudou-se para a residência, interrompendo a paz dos residentes.
Sea / 海
Living by the sea, it lives accompanied by another being. In the dull time, it only seeks the sea for enchantment. Amid the fear and desire that swells beneath the sea, it eventually discovers that they are yearning for the same unknown.
Vivendo à beira-mar, vive acompanhado por outro ser. No tempo maçante, só procura o mar para encantamento. No meio do medo e do desejo que incha sob o mar, acaba por descobrir que anseiam pelo mesmo desconhecido.
Circle / 傘
Busy, indifferent and uncertain are the background colors of this world. Human beings, at the scale of the individual unit, walk in a world full of scenes of debauchery and indulgence. Meanwhile, an umbrella, a simple daily necessity for city walkers, breaks through this sense of boundary and distance between people.
Ocupados, indiferentes e incertos são as cores de fundo deste mundo. Os seres humanos, à escala da unidade individual, caminham num mundo cheio de cenas de deboche e indulgência. Enquanto isso, um guarda-chuva, uma simples necessidade diária para os caminhantes da cidade, rompe esta sensação de fronteira e distância entre as pessoas.
Dear Friend / 友你
Everybody has their high school best friends; but as they enter different universities and go to different places; they often become estranged. Abby and Bella are studying in different countries. Due to differences in time zones, new social circles, and the pandemic, the two gradually have their own new worlds and begin to drift apart. One day, Abby accidentally discovers that she has the ability to travel back to the past. As she time travels again and again, could Abby change the past and make up for her regrets?
Todos têm os melhores amigos do liceu; mas à medida que entram em diferentes universidades e vão para lugares diferentes; muitas vezes tornam-se afastados. A Abby e a Bella estão a estudar em diferentes países. Devido às diferenças nos fusos horários, novos círculos sociais e na pandemia, as duas gradualmente têm os seus novos mundos e começam a afastar-se. Um dia, a Abby descobre acidentalmente que tem a capacidade de voltar ao passado. À medida que viaja no tempo, a Abby pode mudar o passado e compensar os seus arrependimentos?
Influencer / 紅人
COVID-19 still has a huge impact even after over two years, and it seems to have changed the rules of society. A normal college student named Fangfang, gets involved in a normal issue that leads to unexpected results.
O COVID-19 continua a ter um enorme impacto mesmo depois de mais de dois anos, e parece ter mudado as regras da sociedade. Uma estudante universitária , Fangfang, se envolve em um problema que leva a resultados inesperados.
One Day That Day / 有一天,那一天
An elderly old man has been running a waffle stall in one place for half a century and the big tree that shades him has witnessed his changes and those of the city. One day, the presence of a male student reminded the old man of a special time in the past, as well as some promises that turned out to be regrets.
Um idoso tem gerido uma barraca de waffles num só lugar há meio século, e a grande árvore que os ensomia testemunhou as suas mudanças e as da cidade. Um dia, a presença de um estudante do sexo masculino lembrou o velho de um momento especial no passado, bem como algumas promessas que acabaram por ser arrependimentos.
Close your eyes before the dawn / 天黑請閉眼
Bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, Dissociative identity disorder… people experiencing different mental issues were put together in a mental institution. On the first day of a new dean’s tenure, a photo in his wallet goes missing. In such a group with different identities and backgrounds, who is the one who took the photo?
Distúrbio bipolar, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, doença de Alzheimer, distúrbio de identidade dissociativa… pessoas que sofrem de diferentes problemas mentais foram reunidas numa instituição mental. No primeiro dia do novo cargo do reitor, uma foto na carteira desaparece. Num grupo com diferentes identidades e origens, quem foi quem tirou a fotografia?