The graduation film from Spring 2024 has been selected to screen as part of the DOCLisboa Macau extension. The film will screen at IPOR, Sept 24th at 18:30.


33’24’’ | Macau | 2024

Elsie, Zhang Xiwen e Mike, Xu Haonan

Um casamento prosaico priva Zhang Li das sensações à sua volta. A vida para ela nada mais é do que uma cópia mecânica do dia anterior. No entanto, um encontro casual abala a quietude da sua vida. À medida que a vida se agita e as ondas se afastam, Zhang Li vê outra possibilidade para si mesma.

A prosaic marriage deprives Zhang Li of the feeling of her sur- roundings. Life for her is nothing more than a mechanical copy of the previous day. However, the stagnant water surface is rippled by a chance encounter. As life splashes with riffles, and the waves push away, Zhang Li sees another possibility for herself.

DOCLisboa 2023