The Department of Communication at the University of Macau will host a screening of the Video Workshop I student films on Nov. 30th, at 7pm in the E4-G078 (Mr and Mrs Lau Chor Tak Lecture Theatre). These five short films are produced by students in the Dept. of Communication specializing in Creative Media. 

Video Workshop I is a capstone course that is designed to challenge students to think critically and creatively through the hands-on experience of making their own short films.  The theme for this semester is “Atmopsheres.” Atmospheres are commonly used in film and literature to describe the relationship between an environment and the feelings or emotions of the characters. 

Each one of these original short films addresses issues and concerns important to this new generation of filmmakers, from the pressures they face with social media to family life and health issues.

Film Descriptions:

Veiled in Darkness / 秋夜車

It is often said that what you see is what you believe. But sometimes, what we see is not always the truth and conceptual shortcuts may guide us to misunderstandings.  

In a period when a spate of murders is occurring, a young girl takes a taxi in the middle of the night. How will a single girl behave when meeting with suspects that match all the descriptions? Is the man’s constant glance an evil claws that swallows the girl ? Is the car loaded in sin gradually falling into danger? Absorbed in darkness, how can an individual escape? Is the darkness a place to hide or a chance to kill? Answers are concealed here.




Lost in Reverse / 賭轉

Gambling often happens in our lives. Some people may be lucky to get out of gambling and start over, while some people may lose personal hope and break up their families. ‘Lost In Reverse’ tells the story of a family involving gambling, family drama and personal growth. It is a moving and forward-thinking film that reminds viewers of the potential impacts of gambling by showing its effects on individuals and families. It explores personal choice and growth and presents a deeply personal family story. 



Twenty-four is a special age because it is as far away from 18 as from 30, the diameter of a basketball is 24.6 cm, and the time for each shot is 24 seconds. The number “24” probably has a magical power. Regret is always found at the time of farewell and when people face the same thing again and again. How do they make a choice? There is no price for youth. This story is about a group of youngsters who love basketball and grow up together.

24歲是個特別的年齡,因為它距離18歲和30歲一樣咁遙遠;而籃球,直徑是24.6 cm;每次進攻的時間是24秒,「24」這個數字大概有一股神奇的魔力遺憾總是在告別的時候發現,當人再次面對同樣事情的時候,該如何抉擇?青春沒有售價,故事講述熱愛籃球的一羣少年,結伴成長的青春故事

At the End of Time

The film tells the story of a 24-year-old named Alex who accidentally helped an old man on the street. In order to thank her, the old man gave her a tape and told her that it was a tape that could take her back in time. It is a link to the past. After returning home, Alex thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to give it a try and used it to participate in a singing competition about which she had been brooding. She inserted the tape into the player and went back to the time before the singing competition in her sophomore year of high school.

故事講述了一個名叫 Alex 的 24 歲成年人,在路邊偶然中幫助了一個老人後,老人為了感激她,把一卷錄音帶送給了她,並告訴她這是一個可以帶她回到

過去的錄音帶。回到家後,Alex 思考許久,最後懷著半信半疑的心情決定嘗試一下,去參加那場她耿耿於懷的歌唱比賽。她將錄音帶插入播放機,回到了高


After the Tunnel / 隧道以後

Do you regret having me?

A daughter’s accidental pregnancy, facing her mother’s question, she chooses to escape. It’s like running into a long, dark tunnel, she recalled the first embrace under the late light.

